Tabula Rasa

To be pigeonholed as a stalker just because I posted tips on how to stalk someone even though I've made a disclaimer saying "this should not be taken seriously" is unfair. Maybe writing it in the first place is a bad idea but it's purely for enjoyment and nothing more. However shrewd the joke is I shouldn't be worrying about it much because IT IS A JOKE. It seems though that I don't like jokes about me, they're good at first then they get boring and old then they're suddenly not funny and it suddenly becomes insulting. It's as if they're branding me this label that I am not. I remember when I was in high school, my seatmate who wasn't much liked by everybody was called 'bato'. This is because he shows no emotion, he is unfeeling and indifferent to things around him that sometimes it would look as if it's insolence rather than indifference. He would even take punches from other immature boys and he would show a pretty blank face. One day, a classmate was calling him from the back of the room, not by his proper name but by the name they've given him. Before he looked I grabbed his arm and told him not to ignore them. His petty argument was that it might be something important. Clearly he didn't understand the lesson he should learn from what I did so I asked him if he liked them calling him improper names. Lo and behold, he answered no. so I told him, "Then you should learn how to ignore them so they'll learn how to call you by your proper name". It worked. I like having trips to memory lane most especially if the memory was something worth remembering. Somehow, this tip that I got from myself is working slowly as usual. I'm not one to give advice especially if I'm the one who needs it.




So it seems another day went by,

But the whole world didn't notice.

I guess I just remember that first goodbye

And that last bittersweet kiss.


So it seems I managed to keep me sane

I guess the whole world's watching.

Is there a place to keep me safe,

While everyone's forward marching?


Different ties, different lies

Should I even be surprised?

We walk alone as someone dies

Is it worth the emptiness?


So carry on or think twice

Because it's worth your life

You walk your talk and talk your walk

Before taking the dive.


So it seems the world has changed

But without me noticing.

Maybe then we all had aged

Still it keeps us wishing.


And then we go our separate ways

Unmindful of the place.

But in our heart we'd go back here

A home where we will stay.


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